Saturday, June 28, 2008

What a perfect Free Day I had. I enjoyed some of my favorite foods without over indulging. For the first time in years I ate just one slice of pie and said no to another handful of movie popcorn. This is quite a step for me.

The pants I wore out to dinner tonight were loose!! Oh, my heck was I one happy woman!!:) I felt so confident. Tonight I planned out my meals for tomorrow as well as my upper body workout and I reread my goals (which I will post here soon) and looked at those amazing before and after photos in the BFL book. I am on my way...


Kristin said...

Les, I found your blog and I LOVE it! You are such an amazing person. I am so blessed to have you for a friend.

I wanted to visit with you more at church today, but Primary can be so busy. Let's get together sometime soon. I have all of the stuff to make the CD covers now. Maybe we could get together and finish them and have a chance to visit. I have really missed our gym visits.

I started a blog a few months ago. It really isn't what I would like it to be yet. Maybe I can get some inspiration from yours. Love Ya!