Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 4

I've been doing lots of thinking about what I was feeling just 4 short weeks ago. We had just got back from Utah and I was determined to start my Challenge
the Monday after we got home. I remember being committed, determined and scared. I had started so many weight loss programs this past year without one success. I'd go strong for 2 or 3 days then fall right back into my old habits.

Now here I am in WEEK 4!!! I haven't missed one workout, I'm eating healthy, not giving in to junk food, taking this seriously and being successful. I keep thinking if I've changed this much mentally in 4 weeks I can't imagine what I'll feel by September!!

Here's an excerpt from the new BFL Champions book. This is what I needed to read this morning...

"For some people, especially women, any recognizable physical changes may take between 6 and 8 weeks. People who've been making little or no progress wake up one day in Week 8 to discover something astonishing: The long-awaited transformation has begun. Their bodies are changing. Their fat is beginning to disappear. Their muscles are beginning to show. Their clothes no longer fit. It's as if a switch has been thrown. It's when your body, after weeks of stubborn resistance, not only surrenders but eagerly embraces your transformation."

The old me would have quit by now. I mean the scale isn't moving so this isn't working right? Okay, so the scale isn't moving like I'd like...but my clothes are fitting better, in fact they are beginning to get loose. I have more energy, I'm not craving sweets, my upper body and head pain is diminshing...this program is working and the above paragraph assures me that I will begin seeing major results very soon!!