Monday, July 21, 2008

Ali Edwards, CHA & Week 5

As you can tell from my title...I've got lots to talk about!! Just got back from CHA-Chicago. WOW, what fun we had!! Here are some highlights...That's me with one of my favorite scrappers EVER Ali Edwards!! I was one of the first people in line to meet her. She is soooo fun. She gave me a copy of her latest book on mini albums (not even released in stores yet). So cool and a great book!!

The next photo is Meg and I with the founder of Chatterbox Melody Ross. I have been a fan of this lady for years. When she was just starting out I actually visited with her over the phone. It has been neat seeing her become so successful. Plus she is as nice in person as I imagined. I picked up lots of Chatterbox for the Scrapwords store!!

Here is one of my favorite photos from the and my cousin Missy at Gibson's Steakhouse in Chicago. We had a blast!!

I am sooooo loving these acrylic 12x12 shaped pages from Clearscraps. I picked up several for the Scrapwords store. They should be in stock in just a few weeks!!

Okay, this company was one of my faves of the weekend "Webster's Pages". Just look at these luscious papers!!! I picked up most of these plus journaling tags, Christmas papers and one calendar page. The possibilities are endless here!!

Okay, enough of CHA for a moment. Today is the beginning of Week 5 of the Body For Life Challenge. I am proud to say that last week I did not miss one workout!! From Thursday through Sunday my eating was not the plan (so many good foods in Chicago) but it wasn't just a free for all either. I did use restraint!! LOL! This weekend taught me that eating clean is as important for my body as my spirit. It was fun eating some "forbidden" foods but I'm back on plan and ready to drop some more inches!! I woke up this morning with a tall glass of ice water, an EAS protein bar and a brisk 40 minute walk. I'm gonna make Week 5 COUNT!!!