Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 4-almost

Tomorrow officially kicks off Week 4 of the Body For Life Challenge...WOW! I can't believe it!! Here's what's going on so far...

-I still haven't lost pounds
-I wore a skirt to church today that was waaaaay tooo tight last spring
-my tummy is getting flatter
-my upper body just feels firmer. Especially my back and shoulders
-my headaches and neck pain has dropped dramatically!!
-I'm not craving sweets
-still drinking one Diet Coke a day...still would like to stop this.
-I'm actually doing this. I am committed. I am not going to quit this time!!
-I haven't missed one workout!!
-I am making a life change

I'll post more tomorrow. Happy Sunday!


Kristin said...

You are doing so awesome! I am going to register and do the challenge that starts in September. You are really inspiring me. Go Leslie!!!