Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cleaning Up

11 Sep, 2008

"The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest." -Thomas Moore

I am currently in the middle of cleaning and organizing my office. It is a MESS! I truly do hate clutter but I'm usuallythe one causing it! I have so many books, pieces of paper I jot ideas down on, article I've ripped out of magazines, things the kids have written, etc., etc. that the piles add up quick around here. Ugh. What am I supposed to do? Change? I don't think I can. BUT I do have to get my space clean and orderly or I go NUTS!!

The past week my office has been torn up. I had thought about moving my SW products back here but today decided against it. I just have too much. My goal today is to get this space de-junked!! I've got a good start going...I can already see life will be easier.

Ever since we moved in our new hom nearly 2 years ago I've wanted to let go of the hasn't happened yet. Oh, I do throw stuff out but it seems we are always adding-KWIM?

Once and for all I want my office CLEAN!! I can work so much faster, better and creatively when my space is the way I want it. I'm constantly losing things including my train of thought?

How about you guys? Do you have problems with clutter? How do you go about getting rid of it? I'm thinking I need to start of FlyLady again. I would love to hear your thoughts!!