Monday, September 29, 2008
October Kit at Scrapwords!!

Posted by scrapwordsmom at 12:43 PM 0 comments
My life is coming together
You would think at almost 42 years of age I'd already have it all together, right? So very, very wrong. BUT, it seems like finally, at last I'm getting there or at least understanding how to get there.
I have tried for years to have some kind of routine. You know like Flylady or something. I tried to have it in my home, my weight loss struggles, with my kids and their schedules, etc, etc. Nothing has worked for very long. I never understood why. I mean I crave routine but I hadn't been able to come up with something that actually stuck...until now.
It was just recently I noticed my days evolving into one mad dash after another. It was like each day was a race and at the end of the day their was no winner. So I took a step back and wrote down everything that was working and those things that were not. I noticed if I tried to do it all in one day I wasn't accomplishing a thing. You know those days... Today I will: clean, make a gourmet meal, sort through all my papers, scrap 2 layouts, pick up my kids from school with a smile, help them with homework, grocery shop, get ready for our yard sale...oh, and while I'm at it I might as well clean and organize the linen closet. Do you know what I'm talking about here? Have you ever done something as insane as this? And then beat yourself up at the end of the day because you didn't get it all done?!!? How looney is that? The looniest, for sure!
So I noticed that every Friday I was doing ONE thing. I was taking a few hours and cleaning my home. I love to have a clean space for the weekend so I thought this sounded logical. Turns out I really got my house clean when I focused only on that! I loved it!! Then I thought well, you know Mondays are always busy business days for me. Lots of catching up to do on Scrapwords, blogging, challenges to post, etc. So I decided Okay Mondays I will focus on my business. So, now for the first time I'm figuring out several things...First off it pays to focus on one subject at a time. This is so hard for me as I'm a multi-tasker but seriously focus works out so much better! Second-I'm not just sitting down one afternoon and coming up with my life schedule. Rather I'm seeing what works, trying stuff out and when it works I go "Okay, this needs to stay.".
When I woke up this morning instead of feeling overwhelmed I thought...you know the house is still pretty clean and honestly I don't have to worry about that today...it's Monday and I need to get my computer work done.
Yeah, I still do daily housework. I mean we have mountains of laundry, dishes, etc. to do but by just picking up a bit I'm not overloading my day by saying "I'm gonna clean every bathroom in my home today along with blogging, working, vacuuming and saving the planet from pollution."
How do you make it all work? Do you struggle? Tell me what works/doesn't work for you.
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Scrapwords Star Design Team Search
Do you have what it takes to be a Scrapwords Star? We are looking for 3 talented ladies to design and write for one of the fastest growing sites on the web-Scrapwords.com
Our community is full of amazingly talented and friendly women, daily journaling challenges to help you tell your story and preserve your precious memories, artistic pages and tips as well as inspirational prompts and ideas for helping you be your creative best.
We currently have 4 Wordsmiths (designers) creating layouts and altered items as well as sharing Challenges in the Forum. We are looking for 3 more designers to share their talents on Scrapwords!
Here's how Scrapwords Star is going to work...
The search begins Wednesday October 8th and runs through December 17th. The new Wordsmiths will be announced no later than December 20th with duties beginning January 1st, 2009.
Scrapwords Star is an Elimination type contest consisting of 5 rounds. Each participant will have 2 weeks per round to finish their project.
Round 1 will be announced on October 8th and be due October 22nd.
You will be judged on the following:
1-Your interpretation of each round theme
2-The overall look of the page, design, etc.
3-How well you told the story using words, products and photo(s). Do the products used and the photo(s) support the story being told?
4-Participation on Scrapwords. We'd love to see a minimum of 30 posts a week. Each participant should create a Scrapword's Blog and share layouts, thoughts on life and anything else relevant to our community. This is an excellent way for us to get to know you and see your writing style.
Term runs from January 1st, 2009 through June 1st, 2009.
As a Wordsmith you must...
-come up with monthly challenges
-post at least 30 times a week in our forums. Be active!!
-LOVE the Scrapwords community and share on other message boards and in your Blogs with your own Wordsmith Scrapwords Blinkie. We want our site to GROW!!!
-Create layouts and altered items to share in your Scrapwords Blogs
-Come up with 1 contest during your time as a Wordsmith
-Be positive with everyone on the board
As a Wordsmith you will receive...
*15% off products in the Scrapwords store
*A Scrappy Kit every other month filled with products to create your pages...plus I always throw in a few extra goodies!
*First chance at our monthly Kits with a 10% discount on those
*The chance to show off your artistic talents, make friends and have fun
I will announce Round 1 October 8th-STAY TUNED and tell your friends!!!!Posted by scrapwordsmom at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pink Paislee at Scrapwords!!
Check out just one of the new alphabets from Pink Paislee!! We have 8 different/styles and colors to choose from. And the price is great...just $2.00!!!!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hard to believe another week has gone by and it's near the end of the month. My father in law told me this weekend that time just keeps flying by the older we get. :( Don't like that.
Okay, so we had some pages from last week's challenge. Thanks for posting ladies. Here is this week's...
"Scrap a 3 photo layout using only cardstock and handwritten journaling."
You know the drill...scrap your layout and send to me at les262@embarqmail.com bySunday at 3pm. You can win $15 bucks to spend in the store!
**This week I'll finish getting the new stuff on and we should have the NEW Fancy Pants by Friday and Pink Paislee shipped last Friday!! I purchased all their letters!!!:)
**Thanks to Megan and Missy for all they do for me. You girls have no idea how much behind the scenes stuff these ladies do for me. I appreciate them so much:)
I spent my weekend finishing up the third book in the Twilight series "Eclipse". It is due at the library today. I'm buying "Breaking Dawn" today!!
This week I'll be posting our "Scrapwords Star" challenge. It is a 5 round scrappy challenge that starts October 1st and runs through December 12th. Stay tuned for details!!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Retro Friday Challenge on Scrapwords

Posted by scrapwordsmom at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
There is just something about a morning walk in 60 degree weather that puts me in a happy place! Ahhhh, I love the fall. The smells, the sound, the crisp, clean air...LOVE IT!
So, what's going on with me? Well, I've decided that Body for Life may not be the way to go for me. It works-I know. But honestly I'm tired of trying to eat chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli 24/7. Kind get old-KWIM?? Soooo, the past few days I've been thinking what to do what to do. I know I love to exercise. I mean I've been doing it now faithfully for 11 years! I enjoy food, all kinds but at the moment I'm just eating too much.
A few weeks ago I ran into an old friend of mine I hadn't seen in a couple of years. I hardly recognized her. She had gotten so thin. I just kept staring at her in awe. When I hugged her my first question was, "How did you lose all that weight?" Her reply, "I quit eating so much.". Duh! That makes sense, doesn't it!!?? So, I've just got to quit eating so darn much. That seems pretty simple.
It's all gonna go back to that plan I was talking about in my last post. When we plan we succeed-pretty simple. So today I'm back to keeping a food journal and gonna work on just eating enough-not too much. And, this is a biggie, I'm gonna try really, really hard to quit drinking so much diet soda. Lately I've been drinking like 3 a day. I used to drink just 1. I'd like to not drink any...it is so bad for you!
Speaking of my plan, it is going great! I've been planning my days not just letting them happen. I'm getting more done without becoming overwhelmed. Truly a genuis plan of mine!!:)
Went shoppin last night at Kohl's. Found so many cool shirts 60 to 80% off!! Hooray! And when I got to the checkout the guy he was feeling generous and gave me 20% more off!! I got like 10 shirts for less than $100!!!! I'm all set.
I've got to run. Scrapwords things to take care of today. You should stop by and shop and see all our new products!!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Monday!! What a glorious day it is. I had a WONDERFUL weekend. Just totally relaxed, spent time with my family and got organized. I'm ready for the week and well on my way to "making a fresh start" this month!
First let{readmore}'s get to the Challenge for the week. Last week I had so much fun scrapping "Embrace Imperfection". I finished up my layout on Saturday and am so pleased with it. I'll share later in the week. Here is this week's Challenge: "Scrap a moment in your life that brought you pure joy."
**Remember to share your creativity here with us in your Blogs!! We want to see what you come up with!! If you'd like to enter the contest mail me your work to les262@embarqmail.com by Sunday afternoon at 3pm September 21st. The winner receives $15 to spend in the store.
I will post my taco soup recipe this week. It was delicious, warm and comforting. Nothing like a pot of soup on a chilly day to warm the soul.:)
Saturday was Jammie Day at our house. We spent the entire day in our jammies. We played Uno, watched several movies, scrapped, laughed, snuggled and ended the night by watching our old family movies...specifically Dave and I's wedding reception. We got a kick out of seeing ourselves so much younger and the kids had a blast, too!! Plus I got to see my Dad who died in 1996. What great memories. We have decided to have Jammie Day at least every 2 months but will try hard to have it once a month (especially this winter). It is exactly what I needed!
That night as I was laying in bed thinking about the days events as well as all that was still on my to-do list I had a "lightbulb moment". An "A-Ha moment" as Oprah calls it. I was trying to figure out what I could differently with my days to make them run smoother, be more productive and be happier. The word PLAN popped in my head and just sort of stayed there until I fell asleep. I woke up Sunday super excited as it was still there. I thought back to my marathon training days and remembered how meticulously I would plan my daily runs, what I ate and the routes I would take. I PLANNED everything out in order to be able to finish my marathon successfully. This is what I realized I needed to do in my daily life in order to be a success with homeschooling, my diet, my website, my family time and everything else in between. After church I gathered all my stuff to do, my calendar and anything else I needed and got to work. 5 hours later I had my plan for the week and felt great!!! This morning during Jackson' school time I'm gonna finish up with planning our meals for the week and shopping list. This is gonna be one great week!
I'm sure many of you already plan. I used to plan but lately I've just been flying by the seat of my pants. This, I realized Saturday night is why I've been failing in several areas of my life. I'm tired of that. I'm making a fresh start for September and looking forward to my busy life without all the stress. I'll let you know how it's going.
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Jammie Day
Today I have decided is Jammie Day. We are going to just hang out, play games, watch old movies, eat popcorn, drink Diet Pepsi's and scrapbook in our jammies!!! We were supposed to have a football game and a soccer game today but it has been flooding here so those were canceled. I'm seizing the day and enjoying my kids. Can't wait!
Happy Weekend.
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's Retro Friday at Scrapwords

Check out my website this weekend
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cleaning Up

"The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest." -Thomas Moore
I am currently in the middle of cleaning and organizing my office. It is a MESS! I truly do hate clutter but I'm usuallythe one causing it! I have so many books, pieces of paper I jot ideas down on, article I've ripped out of magazines, things the kids have written, etc., etc. that the piles add up quick around here. Ugh. What am I supposed to do? Change? I don't think I can. BUT I do have to get my space clean and orderly or I go NUTS!!
The past week my office has been torn up. I had thought about moving my SW products back here but today decided against it. I just have too much. My goal today is to get this space de-junked!! I've got a good start going...I can already see life will be easier.
Ever since we moved in our new hom nearly 2 years ago I've wanted to let go of the clutter...it hasn't happened yet. Oh, I do throw stuff out but it seems we are always adding-KWIM?
Once and for all I want my office CLEAN!! I can work so much faster, better and creatively when my space is the way I want it. I'm constantly losing things including my train of thought?
How about you guys? Do you have problems with clutter? How do you go about getting rid of it? I'm thinking I need to start of FlyLady again. I would love to hear your thoughts!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Trying my best
I am overwhelmed, tired, strong, happy, blessed, overwhelmed, creative, sassy, content, overwhelmed...I am living my life the best way I know how. One Day At A Time.
Please keep praying for Nie. This family and their tragedy is weighing on my heart. Pray for them PLEASE.
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Challenge 2 Week 1
Okay, so I'm gonna give this Body for Life Challenge another GO. Yeah, I should have got it right the first time...but I'm only human. So I fell, I stumbled but I'm back on my feet and ready for action.
Started out strong yesterday with good food, awesome cardio and a "can-do" attitude. I'll keep you posted on my progress and my failings...you know I always do.
Please check out c jane's blog today. They were interviewed on the Today show and you can see the clip. What great coverage they are getting! What an amazing strong family they are. Keep praying for them. And please read Nie's blog!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Jenni Bowlin and Webster's Pages!!
Check out all the new products at Scrapwords.
Scalloped journaling labels, fun Vintage labels in black or red (shown),
plus mini chipboard albums (check one out on the lower left with the cute teeny heart!) and lots more! Those GORGEOUS papers you see are from Webster's Pages. Love them! We have 9 papers in the Scrapwords store!! Also Clear Scraps acrylic albums and 12x12 sheets. More to come this week. Check us out!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Angel Network
I believe in doing good things. I believe in helping those in need. I believe in helping those people I don't even know in hopes to help them understand that their are people in the world who genuinely care for others. I'd like to think if tragedy ever struck my family, there would be dozensof caring souls who would send a card, call on the phone or stop by to see what they could do to help.
Several months ago (like last winter) my friend Lisa Bearnson started an Angel Network on her Blog. I enjoyed helping two people she featured there-one whom occasionally stops by Scrapwords, quietly "lurking in the shadows". My heart goes out to Nadine on the tragic loss of her sweet little boy. Lisa invited her Blog readers to send her cards and letters in hopes they would bring some sort of happiness to Nadine's life. Not only did I mail her a card but I sent a surprise box full of Scrapwords products. My heart felt such joy.
I have been waiting for the right time to join Lisa's "Angel" efforts so we, too can help others in their time of need. I have found someone we can help and ask each of you to take a moment this weekend to drop Stephanie or "Nie Nie" as she's lovingly known to her friends and Blog readers a note of encouragement.
I found out about Nie's sad story on Ali's Blog yesterday. It touched my heart so much that I went back and read through the story again. I know I am supposed to do my small part and help this young woman any way I can. I believe that along with the power of our words and the kindness each of you has she will know that she's not alone in her fight.
Nie and her husband were in a plane crash just weeks ago. She suffered severe burns. Please take time to read her sister's Blog and be sure and take a peak at Nie's blog as well.
Here is the address to mail your cards and letters:
C Jane
2250 North University Parkway #4876
Provo, Utah 84604-1590
Thank you guys so much.
**P.S. If you know of someone or a family that needs encouragement please PM. Thank you so much!!!! Together we CAN and WILL make a difference!!!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Retro Friday Challenge
Retro Friday Challenge
**Here's our Friday Challenge over at Scrapwords. Every Friday I share one layout that was posted on the site in the past year. It's fun and inspirational. Check this out!!

Posted by scrapwordsmom at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Making a Fresh Start
**This month on my website Scrapwords we are talking about "Making a Fresh Start". Monday I posted 6 questions to ask yourself in hopes of making you see what direction you need to go in your life. Here is what I found out about myself...
I took time Tuesday night during my son's football practice to work on the questions I posted in my Blog Monday. Some of my answers I already knew but others I was surprised by. Here is a bit of what I've learned about myself and what my heart wants.
When did I last feel connected to myself? A few weeks ago when I was in my scraproom with Jackson. It was late at night and we were laughing, chatting and scrappin! I finished 2 pages and felt such a sense of joy and peace. I also feel this way during my walks outside or my weight sessions.
What desires want to be heard? 1-a shorter, hip haircut 2-fun, meaningful scrapbook pages 3-to be creative daily. Alter a few projects. 4-get pics and knick knacks up in our home (I still haven't done in our new home!) 5-to be fit and athletic and nourish my body with healthy foods 6-to have Scrapwords be a large community dedicated to inspiring women around the world 7-to write for inspiration 8-write an E-book
When I've trusted my desires in the past I have found that...
I've been able to accomplish large, life-long goals/dreams of mine! Examples include...
1) ran 2 marathons
2) finished a triathlon and learned how to swim
3) started Scrapwords
4) married my husband and had two great kids
5) I become an athlete
6) I found the Church I'd been searching for whole life and am at last at PEACE!!
Other insights I learned from answering Monday's questions...
1) I have been reacting to others and letting their actions stress me out
2) I have missed being truly happy to my core
3) To find my center again I need to read scriptures, scrap once a week at least, continue writing, nourish my body with healthy foods and exercise, create, finish getting our home decorated so it feels warm and cozy!
**I really enjoyed this exercise and hope you did, too. I will post more thought provoking questions and information Friday.
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Week 12-Day 2
Okay, so I'm in the Homestretch of this 12 week Body For Life Challenge. Wow!! What an incredible rollercoaster it has been. So good, so bad and everything in between. The next few days I'll share with you what I've learned, what I've accomplished, what I can do better next time and why, no matter what I'm never, never gonna quit till I reach my goal.
Let's start with this week. I have wanted to give up this challenge for the past 3 weeks. Just start over. But as my good friend Kristen shared with me-it's best to finish what you start. I am sooo glad I listened to her advice and am finishing this challenge no matter how not perfect it has been. The old me would start something then 2 weeks later stop and start all over again. This time it is different and I feel differently about it. Like I have actually accomplished something.
Sunday I began my clean eating again. I haven't been doing so well at that. Yeah, I'd go until evening then slip up with chips or some sweet treat. So like I said Sunday I said Eat clean!! Did well that day and yesterday. Today I have started on the right path. Had a good arm workout (lifting heavier weights today and doing a bit more complicated moves!!) and I've had my protien smoothie.
Just a reminder to check out Scrapwords. Today in my Blog over there I'm gonna share some great journaling prompts and ideas from author Jennifer Louden. Hope you'll join us!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
It's been a long time coming...
I just feel good today. It's been awhile. Oh, I've had some really great and happy moments but today is different. Today I feel hopeful and excited about what lies ahead. These past few months have been some of the most stressful in my life. I won't go into the details but let's just say we are finally seeing a glimmer of light in a very long tunnel. I have a spring in my step today and just feel smiley!!:)
Over at Scrapwords we are talking about "Making a Fresh Start". It is truly perfect timing for me as I totally feel the need to start anew and rejoice in the new season that lies ahead. I hope you'll join us!
Began my morning with a looooong walk-1 hour. I love getting outside, listening to the late summer sounds, smelling fresh cut grass and flowers. Somedays I get to hear the Bearcat Marching Band practicing...that is my favorite sound. This morning I listened to my IPOD mostly and just enjoyed the movement of my body. I am strong.
This is Week 12 in my BFL Challenge. Can't say that I'm happy with the past 4 weeks. I've only been half on my plan. But I am going to finish out the week then reflect on my success as well as my failure. I plan on starting a new Challenge September 15th.
Happy Monday!
Posted by scrapwordsmom at 8:41 AM 0 comments