Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 8

Hey, everyone...I have been without internet at my house for 6 days!!!!!!!!!!! Those goofs turned off my internet when they were upgrading my husband's business...ugh! It should be back on tonight. So today I'm using my Mom's computer...not the same but I can use it.

This is Week 8 on the BFL Challenge. Still struggling with not eating on plan. Was doing great then we left for the funeral and I used that as an excuse to eat. Life is always going to just happen...I've got to know that, plan for that and not use that as an excuse!!! I did take my supper Friday night to this festival I was at...I didn't eat the fair food at all. So that made me feel in control and pretty good about myself!!!

It feels like Fall today. I am so loving that. Enjoyed a cup of Perro with my DH outside after my workout. Still on track for not missing one workout during this Challenge.

More later...Happy Monday!!