Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Edward Cullen

So just 1 month ago I had never heard of Edward Cullen. I had never "been" to Forks, Washington and I did not understand what all the hoopla was about regarding the "Twilight" series. But now, it seems, I am hopelessly hooked on not just Edward but the entire Cullen family, Bella and her dad Charlie and the thought of living in rain-soaked Forks is sounding more appealing all the time. *Sigh*. I am 100% addicted to Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" series. How and when did this happen?

I bought "Twilight" (the first book in the series) for Emma last summer while in Utah. Every teenager we knew had read it and said it was the best. Emma ended up reading about a 1/4 of it then quit. I never gave it another thought. This past July while cleaning out my daughter's room I found the book in the floor of her closet. I decided to take it with me for something to read while on my flight to Chicago. Honestly I never even thought I'd finish it...just use it while in the air and give it back. Generally I don't care for fiction books so why would I start now?

As it turned out I did read "Twilight" briefly on the flight. Once I got home it just sat on my bed stand. I wasn't interested. Fortunately for me (not so much for my family) I was having trouble falling asleep one night a few weeks ago and decided to pick it up again. Surely this will bore me enough to fall asleep! Well, it did not bore me...no, no quite the opposite! I began reading page after page, as fast as I could. This was getting good. And Edward the Vampire? Ahhhhh, what a dreamy kind of guy *sigh*. Within days I had devoured "Twilight" and was hungry for more (pardon the pun). I found Meyer's second book in the series "New Moon" at Wal-Mart...Hooray!!!!! Currently I'm savoring every page not wanting it to end yet anxious to begin "Eclipse". What will happen to Edward and Bella?? I'm so excited to find out!

So since reading the first book I've become obsessed with it all. The movie coming out in November, searching on the web for anything and everything "Twilight". I even have Edward wallpaper on my computer!!:)

How about you? Are you or have you read the "Twilight" series? Would love to hear from you!!


Megan Aaron said...

I have heard so many great things about it, but my library didnt have it on cd, I will have to check again

Megan Aaron said...

ok, so my library does have it - lots of copies actually - on cd and on cassette and in regular book and they are ALL CHECKED OUT with multiple hold requests on all of them - lol! So I added my hold request to one of the CDs and will probably get it in a couple of weeks - I am third after it gets returned. this is a totally hot book!

Kristin said...

Fun post, Les. I am excited for the movie too. Maybe we should make a girls night out trip to the Hangar for it.

Kelli said...

Confession: Yes, i read them just recently. I bought the first book in paperback about July 1st. Couldn't put it down. Had never heard of it, but i was out of town for a funeral and needed something to read in my down-time. Anyway, i have now read all 4. I can't wait for the movie. If you need to borrow my books, let me know! I've lent them out to my daughters but they are reading them pretty quick! By the way, i think book #4 is too suggestive for young teenagers.