Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Last Friday night we had the pleasure of welcoming two of our favorite couple friends over for a fun night of playing games, eating food and laughing ourselves silly. I am happy to say we did all three really well:)!

One of the games we played was called "Loaded Questions" (or something like that). We were all asked the same question then had to write our answer down, give our answers to one person then that person read them to one person and they had to guess who said what.

One of the questions went something like this...

"You are in a room with 50 other people. Out of those 50 people how many of them are happier than you?"

We all started thinking and writing our answers down, handed them in and waited to see if Vince could figure out who said what. The first card said "Zero". To my surprise he smiled and pointed at me immediately. He knew I'd said zero. I was really surprised by that!

Yes, it is true I said zero and yes, it is true I was the only one who said zero (although my 4 other friends said just 3 or 4). I've been thinking about not the question so much as what is it that others see in me so they just know I'm content with my life. That yes, I am happy.

Whatever it is I'm so glad I'm an optimistic and happy person. I do see the glass as half full. I do try to see the best in everything I do.

Last week 2 of my friends, on separate occasions, called me enthusiastic. Maybe, that's what it is...that's why people see me as happy.

So, what about you? What if you were in that room with 50 other many of them are happier than you?


Megan Aaron said...

well I can't belive that I am actually going to say this, but maybe 10? Now, if you know me and my history of depression, you know that that is an AMAZING answer for me. My almost automatic answer was going to be 49, but then I thought about it and lo and behold, I think I am happier than your average bear! thanks for that!