Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie Review

So, I saw Twilight this are my thoughts...

My 11 year old daughter and I have been anxiously awaiting this movie for months. After standing in line for 45 minutes we had our tickets and were excited to see the movie in just a few hours.
Was the movie worth the wait and the money? YES!

1) Edward- Rob does an amazing job of playing the main character in Twilight. From the moment he arrives on screen to the very end you just can't get enough of him. In the showing I was at as soon as Edward came on the screen everyone squealed just a bit. Too funny! He is dark, funny, romantic, protective and ferocious all in one. He is every woman's dream *sigh*!!

2) Bella-I know some people were disappointed in this pick. However, from the moment I began reading Twilight this is the actress I would think of. I've seen Kristin in other movies and have always liked her. She brings Bella to life in every sense. From her sarcasm to her no-nonsense approach to things...Kristin is perfect.

3) Alice-I've never seen this actress before but she is cute, perky and spritely. Just how I envisioned Alice to be.

4) Jasper-Not impressed with this guy although one of my friends thought he played the part well. I had pictured a stronger, handsome Jasper. This one is quirky and nerdy.

5) Esme-No real opinion here. She was okay.

6) Carlisle. At first I was like...who the heck is he? Thought he was kind of cheesy. But as the movie progressed he grew on me. I think he looks a bit too young to play the part.

7) Rosalie-I thought she was supposed to be the prettiest woman alive. She's not.

8) Emmet-Strong, rugged and gorgeous. Nice casting here.

9) Jacob Black-Okay, if you've read the series you know the key role he plays in the books to come. At first I didn't think this actor was the right one. But as I've pictured him in the later books I can see him playing this role. I think he should be bigger though. I'm assuming he will be when New Moon comes out.

10) Mike and the rest of Bella's high school friends-They all work just fine. Mike is nice and annoying just like the book.

11) Loved the part of Bella's dad, Charlie.

I've been thinking if I hadn't read the books I don't think I would have enjoyed this movie. I mean most of the book is written so we know Bella's thoughts. We can almost feel her passion and love for Edward. We understand where she is coming from. Not so sure the movie portrays that. At the beginning of the movie when Bella sits by Edward in Biology, his reaction to her caused the theater audience to laugh. If you've never read the would certainly be clueless.

My wonderful husband is taking me again this week. He is curious to see what the fuss is all about. I'm not so sure he'll enjoy it but I know I can't wait to see it again!!

**Have you seen the movie? If so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twilight is here

So it's FINALLY HERE!! The premiere of Twilight!! Tonight my daughter and I along with a few friends are headed to our local library for a fun Twilight party!! We have a chance to win free movie tickets and other cool prizes.

I haven't looked forward to seeing a movie this much-ever.I know in some major cities you can see the movie at midnight but we have to wait until tomorrow. That's okay!! As soon as school is out Friday my DD and I are headed to the theatre to stand in line for our tickets. We are so excited!!!

My son and I have a $50 bet on the opening of this movie. I say it will beat the first Harry Potter opening. He says "No way, Mom". I think I'm gonna win! I've already decided to buy the last 2 books in the series as I had to borrow these when I was reading the series.

So what about you? Any Twilight plans?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

There is still time to check out Scrapwords Autumn Crop tonight!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So I've been tagged by friend Kelli...

Like her I am answering these questions about me and not my DH. Here goes...:)

5 Things I love

1. My family
2. The Twilight Series (Edward!!)
3. When all the kids are at home, Dave, too and it's snowing outside and we are all warm and cozy.
4. Scrapping with friends and laughing like CRAZY!!!:)
5. Date Nights with Dave

5 Snacks I love

1. popcorn
2. Sterzings chips with onion dip
3. La Bonita chips and salsa
4. Cheese-Its
5. A huge bag of Doritos

5 Things you may not know about me

1. I LOVE playing tennis and dreamed of becoming the next Billy Jean King
2. I was a DJ on KNIM for 3 years
3. I have had every lead in my school plays
4. I won first in State for a speech I gave then placed 6th in Nationals
5. I've met the Monkees (yes, the group from the 60's. Davey Jones!!)

5 Quirky things about me

1. I put Vicks Vapo rub on my nose EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Drives Dave nuts!! It helps me fall asleep!!
2. I count everything(how many drinks I take, etc.) in either 3's, 4's or 7's. No 6's...I hate the number 6!!
3. I'm a scary movie buff.
4. I'm a piler. I leave stuff in piles all over my house.
5. I never put DVD's back in their proper case.

5 Places I've lived

1. Fort Madison, Iowa
2. Maryville, Mo.

5 People I tag

1. Kristen
2. Megan
3. Alexa
4. Sandy
5. Amber


Last Friday night we had the pleasure of welcoming two of our favorite couple friends over for a fun night of playing games, eating food and laughing ourselves silly. I am happy to say we did all three really well:)!

One of the games we played was called "Loaded Questions" (or something like that). We were all asked the same question then had to write our answer down, give our answers to one person then that person read them to one person and they had to guess who said what.

One of the questions went something like this...

"You are in a room with 50 other people. Out of those 50 people how many of them are happier than you?"

We all started thinking and writing our answers down, handed them in and waited to see if Vince could figure out who said what. The first card said "Zero". To my surprise he smiled and pointed at me immediately. He knew I'd said zero. I was really surprised by that!

Yes, it is true I said zero and yes, it is true I was the only one who said zero (although my 4 other friends said just 3 or 4). I've been thinking about not the question so much as what is it that others see in me so they just know I'm content with my life. That yes, I am happy.

Whatever it is I'm so glad I'm an optimistic and happy person. I do see the glass as half full. I do try to see the best in everything I do.

Last week 2 of my friends, on separate occasions, called me enthusiastic. Maybe, that's what it is...that's why people see me as happy.

So, what about you? What if you were in that room with 50 other many of them are happier than you?

Scrapwords 5Things Album

Hello, girls!! So, this is November and Thanksgiving is coming our way. I have always loved this month...the colder weather, shorter days and thoughts of the holidays make for a perfect month for me.

This month always gets me to thinking about all that I am blessed with. {readmore}And while my family is my number one blessing there are other things in my life that I am so happy to have.

It's been nearly 2 years ago that my DH surprised me with our brand new home. To say I was grateful is an understatement. While I loved our old Victorian we had been living in for nearly 5 needed lots of work and didn't have many amenities. No dishwasher, no carpet, holes in my kitchen counter, an old and stained sink, broken shower door, and the list goes on!!

The first time we walked into our new home I was overwhelmed with all the beautiful things!! Dishwasher, plush carpet, real tile floors, gorgeous hardwood, everything working, etc. There isn't a day that goes by I don't give a little thank you to my fabulous dishwasher!! What a blessing that little piece of equipment has been!!:)

**Challenge for the week at Scrapwords: I want you to take photos of 5 items in your home you are grateful for. It can be your cozy blanket you snuggle up with while watching TV every night, the view from your kitchen window or like me your dishwasher. Whatever it is, take 5 photos of 5 items. Print these photos, choose a cute little mini book and, if you want to begin gathering up some supplies. I plan on using word stickers, stamps, buttons and flowers in my book. Have everything ready by our Saturday Crop!! Be sure and post your book in your Blog. I'll pick a favorite by the end of the night and give away a cool prize!!! This should be easy and fun!!!

Any questions just post them here. Have fun!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

With the Holidays almost here I am totally loving life. All the holiday prep, parties, Christmas music and cards, baking and the friendly cheer that seems to be everywhere...I intend on making the most of it. I'm still debating on what to do for cards this year. While the creative part of me would love to take the time and make each one, the sensible side of me is saying, "Don't stress yourself out this year, Les." What to do...

I think the main thing I want to accomplish this season is creating some sort of crafty thing with Em and Jacks. That has always been my favorite part of the holidays...creating ornaments and baking treats with my family. We take one Saturday in December and invite Grandma Jackson over for a full blown, cookie baking fest. It is so fun and something we've been doing since my kids were 3 years old.

Last year Em and I took one full day to paint Christmas ornaments. I cherish those times with my family.

I spent last Saturday at an all day crop with friends. What fun we had!! The best part of the deal was it was right here in Maryville. That was so nice since I left a whole bag of stuff at my house!! I had planned my pages for the day and was ready to be creative. I got approx. 10 pages finished with a creative flair. Very happy with the outcome.

Be sure and check out my Scrapwords Blog Wednesday for my "5 Days of Gratitude" mini album idea. And be sure and stop by this Saturday the 15th for our 12 hour Atumn crop!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Upcoming Inspiration at Scrapwords

Join us in November for “Simple Abundance”. Spend the month creating an attitude of gratitude with the Scrapwords community! Be sure and create your Blog by Wednesday, November 12th for our “5 Things I’m Thankful For” contest. The last 3 Wednesdays in November are dedicated to sharing with others what it is that makes us truly thankful. Post your top five in your Scrapwords Blogs by Wednesday nights at 10PM. We’ll pick our favorite Blogger each Thursday and post. Winners receive a $15.00 gift pack from the Scrapwords store!!!

Join Scrapwords for a fun and festive Autumn Crop on Saturday November 15th from 10:00 AM CST to 10 PM CST.

Spend the day being inspired with hourly journaling challenges, inspirational layouts and ideas, prizes and more!!! The first 10 people to register on the site in our Scrapwords Forums gets a FREE gift pack! (Wordsmiths not eligible) Register for our Autumn Crop by Wednesday, November 13th to be eligible for the FREE gift.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Warning: Political but please read to the end!!

I gotta tell you...I'm not in the least bit happy this man will be the 44th President of the United States. To say I'm shocked...well, I'm not. I had my doubts about McCain pulling this off. I mean, look at all the new voters we had this year. In one way it's just great we had the largest voter turn out ever. I'm all about voting (see my post yesterday). And I'm not going to sit here and spew hateful things towards Barack Obama or his supporters (lots of them are my friends, after all). But what I am going to say is my husband and I have been small business owners for nearly 20 years. We believe with all our heart that with our new President Elect we will have to give up our business due to over taxing, mandated health care and an increase in the minimum wage.

This past year we raised our prices 3 times. THREE times!!! Did we want to charge our friends and neighbors more for our product??? NO!! We live in a small community and know many of our customers by name. We know that during tough, economic times the last thing people want to do is spend more money on something. But let me tell you, people...we had no choice. With the rising cost of everything my family and I were struggling to make our payments. We have cut back dramatically in every area of our life in order to meet our financial responsibilities.

By electing Barack Obamba as our next President we fully expect our taxes will be raised, wages, and that mandated health care plan of his. Guess what? My family and I don't have health care!! Why? We can't afford it every month! Yeah, we own a business and we can't afford health care for ourselves!! How in the heck are we gonna pay for our employees??!

Okay, I promised myself I wouldn't go on and on. Like I said, some of my dearest friends supported this man...I don't want to make any enemies. I just wanted to get my view out there. Yes, I agree we needed change. But this is not the change I wanted.

My husband and I hope and pray we are wrong about President Elect Obama. We hope we can look back at our hesitation in supporting this man and one day be able to say...

"And to think we didn't vote for him. What were we thinking?!"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the day we vote for President of the United States. I remember turning 18 in the fall of 1984. I was so EXCITED I finally got to vote!! That was the year Geraldine Ferraro was Mondale's running mate. What an exciting election that was!! I even got to meet Mondale and shake his hand.

Through the years my political views have changed a lot. But the one thing that remains the same is I NEVER, EVER pass up my right to vote...NEVER.

So, people regardless of who you vote for...even though I may not pick your candidate...get out there and VOTE!!!! It is not just our right but it is our responsibility.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What's up at Scrapwords in November

Yes, yes I know I've been gone a bunch this week. I was just putting the finishing touches on SW here in the Ville, plus Em had her last soccer game, the kids started bowling and our Sunday was full with church, a baby blessing get together and a baptism last night...WHEW!! All GOOD, GOOD{readmore}stuff!!

It's November!! And I am soooo excited! Ilove this time of year...LOVE it!! Here's what's coming up this month at Scrapwords!!!

1) Every Monday and Thursday I'll post "Simple Abundance"Gems in my Blog. Mondays's we'll share gratitude quotes in our blogs, too. So if you know of 1, 2 or 42 gratitude list them in your blogs for all of us to share.

2) Wednesdays-I'd like to take this day and list 5 things you are thankful for in your Blogs. You can do something scrappy with this or just write them down.

3) Fridays we will continue Retro Fridays

4) This month we are going to create an "I am grateful" mini book. More details later...

5) Contest TBA!!

6) Scrapwords On-Line Crop Saturday the 15th!