Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today is rainy and windy. I sometimes love days like is that day. They make me stop and think about my life. I somehow get all homey, I wanna cook, clean, be creative, organize my closets. It's a weird thing for sure. Do you ever get this way during a drizzly day?

Instead of working out I took Em to school, came home, made a warm cup of Pero and cream, curled up with my kitty and a blanket and watched the news. My idea of heaven on days like this. Finally at 10:oo am I decided I'd better shower and get dressed. So now I'm surfing the net, checking out my usual inspirational blogs and my own site Scrapwords.

Speaking of inspiratinal blogs...look what I found this morning. I am so loving this Blog. Gonna make sure I check in often and try her recipes.

Been thinking a lot lately about my weight. When don't I think about that subject? Why can't I just be happy with what I look like? Okay, so I need to lose 10 pounds. I can do that, know I can. I just wanna know why I have to get so obsessive about it? Constantly worried about what I eat, how much I work out and judging myself at every meal on whether or not I was good or bad. I am seriously sick of this way of thinking!

The past few weeks I've been keeping track of what I eat and when/what I do for exercise. On days I worry and obsess over what I eat I tend to do worse. Usually by the end of the day I'm standing at the kitchen counter devouring a cookie, chips or ice cream right out of the box.

Now I realize I must keep an eye on what I eat. I want to be healthy. I also know that working out is something I not only need but enjoy. So, for now I'm taking the approach of "I like me and I'm gonna do all I can to be healthy and take care of my body". There ya' go.

Happy Wednesday...


Jan said...

I love your attitude -- having lost a lot of weight in the past, I hear you on the weight issues. Your outlook of taking care of you is the way to go.

Happy Wed. to you too!