Monday, March 31, 2008

New haircut, New scrap space

Life is feeling pretty good right now. After working for two weeks on my scrap space it is finished!! I am so happy about it. What do you think? This is the most organized my creative space has ever been. I owe it all to the book The Organized and Inspired Scrapper. Awesome book that I highly recommend! I have scrapped two pages already and am working on a third. My goal is to make scrapbooking a part of my daily life. I'm on my way.

In my last post I told you about my shopping spree. It has been fun wearing all those new clothes. Sunday at Church I had so many compliments. (I think everybody was just so tired of the same striped sweater!!) Today I did something else new...I got a haircut!! I love it!! It's shorter, styled and hip. I'll have to post the "new" me.


becca said...

wow, a whole new attitude for you Les! New clothes, new hair, new scrap space... Good for you!!! I hope you feel refreshed, enlighten, and free to create! Cant wait to see the hair cut!