Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hanging out

My rocker girl-Amanda Overmeyer.
Here's Idol Number 2-Jason Castro. This boy can SING!

It's almost 9:30 on Thursday night. The rest of my family has already gone to bed. Me? I'm hanging out on the computer, listening to Casey Kasem's Top 40 from March 1980! I am in Heaven!!

Tonight was American Idol. favorite Idols made it!! Check this out...My sweet David Archuletta.

My other two faves are at the top of this post. I am so happy!! American Idol is my the only show I absolutely LOVE. I am truly blown away by this season's talent.

I've got a job to get to tonight. So I think I'll grab a cup of hot chocolate, settle in with Kasey and get the big Scrapwords sell ready for tomorrow!!