Friday, October 24, 2008

It will be just fine

I have a tendency to over react. REALLY over react. This morning, as I was getting around for the day I started listing everything BAD that was going to happen to me today and tomorrow to my husband. As I ranted and raved my head started to pound, my shoulders got all tight and I felt miserable. Dave kept telling me to calm down, that I was waaaay over reacting...

You see tomorrow I got to Kansas City with my daughter to a soccer tournament. Dave usually goes with me but can't. So I'm going someplace I don't know how to get to and I get freaked out by stuff like that sooo...

Dave told me to call a friend of ours...he thought for sure he'd let me follow them down to the fields. Guess what? They are going to do one better!! Marcia has invited Em and I to just ride along!!!! WHEW! All that worrying for nothing.

Just another reminder why it is soooo important to keep the faith.

Here's to keeping the faith this weekend. Happy Friday!!