Friday, April 18, 2008

My Em

I love my daughter Emma so much. She and I spent the evening together. Dave was at a bowling tournament and Jackson went to a movie with friends. So it was just me and my fabulous 10 year old daughter, Em. Isn't she gorgeous??

We snuggled on the couch and watching Nancy Drew. What a cute little movie. Of course we enjoyed popcorn and snuggling with our cat Little, too. After that Em says to me, "Mom, let's just go upstairs and make a book of all the fun stuff we want to do together. Let's just have a fun summer together!!" So we made it up to my room, sat on the bed and brainstormed a dozen things we can do...just her and I. Here are some of our ideas:

1. Create a collage
2. Paint canvas's
3. Make bead projects like necklaces and stuff
4) Bake something yummy and fun
5) Watch a chick flick

My daughter is so fun to just hang out with. I am so grateful for her. I think I'm gonna take our "book" and make a mini book out of it. Sounds like another project for our girl days!!